Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Math articles, news and more

Daily Topic: How to Succeed in Math
If I could give just one piece of advice to math students, this would be it:
Keep up with the class. I will say it another way: Do not fall behind.
To an extent that is true in any field, of course, but it is particularly true in your math courses. More than any other field, math is relentlessly cumulative. Almost every class depends on what came in the immediately preceding classes. If you do not quite get the material in one class, you need to learn it yourself right away or you can pretty much expect to be lost in the next class.
Since it takes a huge effort to catch up once you fall behind, your best strategy is not to let yourself fall behind. If you do not understand something, deal with it right away. (Very few things magically become clear over time.) In class, ask a question. Do not wait: your brain will be nibbling at the thing you did not understand and that will distract you from the rest of the lecture.

Daily Website: Algebra-cheat.com
Need math help? Algebra-cheat.com has a bunch of useful tutorials on different algebra topics (make sure that you scroll down (below the advertisment)

Daily Video: Review of percentages
Here is a useful video explaining the basics of percentages.

You can find more algebra videos here

Daily News: Test Scores Improved in Schools Using Web-Based Tutor

ScienceDaily (Feb. 14, 2011) - Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
Year-end test scores of as a central part of their math
Massachusetts middle school instruction were significantly better
students whose teachers used than those of students whose
ASSISTments, a Web-based teachers did not use the platform,
tutoring platform developed at according to a recent study

Daily Math Image